
A Place for Me...The Theological Significance of Place

Tuesday, June 01, 2021
Just last week I observed God bringing “closure” for my thirteen and sixteen-year-old granddaughters as they said goodbye to a place of special significance to them. We’d sold our family... Read More

We Need Him, His Church, and His People

Monday, May 17, 2021
An article I read recently was called “Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease: Lessons Learned and Applied”. The article talked about how over half of Alzheimer’s disease is caused by “modifiable factors”.... Read More

Pansies of Remembrance

Sunday, May 09, 2021
The Pansy is derived from the Violet species and gets its meaning from the French word pensie: thought or remembrance.IN PLAIN SIGHT, Seeing God’s Signature throughout Creation by Charles R.... Read More

Sad Psalms Say So Much

Thursday, April 15, 2021
It can be helpful for someone who is going through a difficult time to hear from others who have had similar experiences. God gives us this in His Word. His... Read More

He is Risen!

Sunday, April 04, 2021
“He is risen! He is risen indeed!” These were the words I used to hear and say every Easter morning when I was a child. My mother or father would... Read More

Good Friday...The Curse Redeemed

Friday, April 02, 2021
As we read through the Gospels, we see that Jesus, who was for the most part loved by the masses, was perceived as a growing threat by the religious leaders... Read More

Silent Strength

Thursday, April 01, 2021
There was a time when bracelets bearing the acronym “WWJD” (What Would Jesus Do) were popular. I had several and wore them without fail. Eventually that trend faded but I... Read More

The Zeal of the LORD

Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Are you ever so profoundly struck by a word in Scripture that it follows you into your day? A few years ago I was particularly impacted by one such word.... Read More

On What Authority?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021
It is widely believed by Biblical scholars and theologians that the events of Luke 20-21, where Jesus is questioned in the temple and by various religious leaders of the time,... Read More

A Passover Reflection on God's Faithfulness

Monday, March 29, 2021
I wanted to preserve the moment forever. Failing to capture it with my camera, I eventually just froze and allowed the image to burn into my mind. The memory remains;... Read More