
Behold His Glory

Thursday, December 01, 2016
Several years ago I completed a 3-year study curriculum that goes through each book of the Bible, at the fast pace of one book a week. We studied Abraham, Isaac,... Read More

Nothing is Wasted

Tuesday, November 15, 2016
John is the only Gospel writer who includes a certain phrase in telling the miracle of the loaves and fish. This phrase recently caught my attention. For days now I’ve... Read More

Waiting on the Lord

Tuesday, November 01, 2016
As the mother of two extremely energetic and active boys, I confess that the idea of waiting often seems like a luxury. Our little family is moving at warp speed... Read More

The Fragrance of His Knowledge

Saturday, October 15, 2016
“What’s Your Fragrance?” It is not uncommon for one woman to ask another that question. She may have just walked past you and a whiff of your fragrance lingers on.... Read More

Pocket Hermeneutics

Saturday, October 01, 2016
In the Spring of 2007 I was studying Biblical Hermeneutics at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. My professor was Dr. Siegfried Schatzmann, who would retire the following year. I’d like the... Read More

Wailing at the Wailing Wall

Thursday, September 15, 2016
Few tourists visit Jerusalem without taking a trip to the Western Wall. This edifice composes the western side of the retaining wall that supports the Temple Mount complex. I cannot... Read More

Music to His Ears

Thursday, September 01, 2016
    As an assignment in a seminary course covering The Psalms, I was asked to write two psalms of my own. One was to be in the genre of a praise... Read More