Blog / See God, Seek God, Trust God

In times of trouble, pain, heartache, mourning, loneliness, ill health, relationship issues, financial struggles, and when the devil seems to not want to leave you alone and let you be, what do you do? Are you the Psalm 46:1 believer: God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble (CSB)? Are you a Psalm 112:7 trustee: He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord (ESV)?

I don’t know about you, but this has been a season that has touched everyone I know in one way or another, a time where our faith has really been tested. Despite what may be going on around us we must see God, seek God, and trust God.


            “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves,

             and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,

             then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal

             their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14, ESV).

How do we see God? To see God we must first humble ourselves, get out of our own way, and let God reign.

Then we must pray! It sounds easy, but how many times do we find it difficult to stay consistent in our prayer life? Our days are busy. We get distracted and put prayer on our “to do list”, check it off if we can get to it, and on to the next item. We should challenge ourselves daily to not make prayer an option or last resort. It is as essential as the air we breath.

Finally, we must turn from (our) wicked ways. I know I am not the only one that has ever had some wicked ways, if we are honest with ourselves.


            When You said, “Seek My face,”

            My heart said to You, “Your face, LORD, I will seek”

            (Psalm 27:8, NKJV).

Why should we then seek God? David strongly desired to seek God’s face. God wants us all to seek His face with joy and gladness knowing that He will not let our enemies or even our own downfalls destroy us.

When we seek God, our troubles decrease. God begins to do a work in us that only He can do. He will take some of life’s heavy burdens off our shoulders and replace them with peace, joy, love, grace, and mercy. There is so much strength to be found in seeking God.


Matthew 11:28, one of my favorite verses:

            “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden,

              and I will give you rest” (ESV).

Lastly, we must trust God! When we learn to trust God, even our bad days will prove that God is still good.

Now I have had some great naps in my lifetime, but I could never get the loving rest on my own that the Lord can give me. The rest that God gives is not only for the body, but for the mind and the soul.

Praise God for rest! It is in rest that we learn we can trust God to be faithful, loving, caring, a friend, a confidant. He is everything we can’t even imagine. And the best part is that He does not change (Numbers 23:19).

Even though we just came out of a long 365 days, in every day, hour, and minute we can See God, Seek God, and Trust God.

Raynette McMillion

Raynette McMillion holds a bachelor’s degree in English and has studied Theology at Houston Baptist University. She currently works with Mentor Alliance of Tyler as a Mentor, which she absolutely loves. Raynette has been with her current employer for almost 17 years and holds the role as Transportation Manager. She has completed independent studies with the Womenary programs online and loves every study that she has come across. Raynette loves digging deep into God’s word and encouraging others to do the same. She enjoys traveling, reading, spending time with her family, cooking, and teaching the word to others. She wants to use every gift that God has given her to glorify his name.
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