Blog / An Unspeakable Gift

“Thanks for your purchase, the cost is…”  How many times have we heard this warning phrase while out shopping for gifts? I know, during the holiday seasons I hear it more than I probably need to. (Yes, I paused to check my account balance.)

What is a “gift”? A gift is something given willingly to someone without requiring payment—a present, with no strings attached. Even if a gift is not accepted, is it still considered a gift? Of course it is. Any real gift is not forced on anyone.

Jesus Christ was God’s gift to every one of every human race. God gave this unspeakable gift that is too wonderful to begin to describe in words:

        Thanks be to God for his gift that is too wonderful for words. 

        —2 Corinthians 9:15, NCV

Paul’s reference to the gift God gave, that of sending His Son to die for them, constantly stayed in his mind. The gift of a Savior being born to benefit all mankind was incredible. Paul couldn’t shake it—why would he want to? That someone would die for him was unspeakable. No words could express it, no language conveyed an adequate description of the value of the gift and of the mercies which resulted from it.

The wonderful gift God gave us is wrapped up in grace, sealed with love, dressed in salvation, and signed off to the most blessed recipients—ALL mankind. When we decide to accept such an unspeakable, indescribable, priceless gift, we are all covered in the riches of grace and a multitude of blessings. This gift comes from an unspeakable love, unspeakable sacrifice; and it brings unspeakable results.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son” (John 3:16, KJV). God’s love was the cause of the gift. The sacrifice of the gift showered the world with unspeakable results.

Let’s travel back to Christmas Eves past. As a little girl, I remember being so excited as we did the traditional laying out of the cookies and the milk, making sure the house was all neat and tidy for Santa’s arrival. I couldn’t sleep. I could barely keep my composure, just thinking about all the wonderful gifts that would be waiting for me to come and tear through their wrapping paper—free gifts, presents that were given lovingly and willingly from my parents. Oh, how my heart was so full of joy!

But after I received the gift of Christ, my life has not been the same! I can say that I have been smiling on cloud nine ever since, with a different kind of JOY!.

In our family we have a new tradition now on Christmas Eve. We sit together and just express our love out loud to God for gifting us a Savior who loves us. Each family member says one thing he/she wants to do in the upcoming year to show gratitude to God. We know we could never return such a wonderful gift, but we can do our best to show our appreciation by going out and trying to disciple others to Christ.

            “For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you”    —John 13:15, ESV

As the holidays are closely approaching and we are surrounded by our family and friends, my hope is that we all will take time out just to reflect on the unspeakable, indescribable, loving, full of grace, unconditional gift that was presented to us freely from a place of love. Let’s not just keep the gift to ourselves. Go out and spread the word of this gift that is available for All.

God’s Unspeakable Gift!

Raynette McMillion

Raynette McMillion holds a bachelor’s degree in English and has studied Theology at Houston Baptist University. She currently works with Mentor Alliance of Tyler as a Mentor, which she absolutely loves. Raynette has been with her current employer for almost 17 years and holds the role as Transportation Manager. She has completed independent studies with the Womenary programs online and loves every study that she has come across. Raynette loves digging deep into God’s word and encouraging others to do the same. She enjoys traveling, reading, spending time with her family, cooking, and teaching the word to others. She wants to use every gift that God has given her to glorify his name.
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